Saturday, November 24, 2012

Christmas in the Greenhouse--3 important announcements

This week, we're kicking off our new series to end 2012 with a bang!
"Hometown Nazareth--Where Jesus was a kid"

Yes! The kids will learn about Jesus' life as he was born and was growing up! SO EXCITING!


   Bring your family and friends!
   Freedom Church 6-7pm

The Pre-K through 4th graders will be leading us in 2 of our Greenhouse Worship songs.

For kids who are participating, we will be having a one-time only rehearsal & parent information meeting at 12:30 on December 23rd immediately following service.

On Christmas Eve, please arrive early to get a seat and we would love to see them wear: Pre-K: antlers provided, K-2nd: Red or Green shirts, 3-4th: White shirts


5:00pm until 6:00pm

Join me at my house and we'll walk the neighborhood while singing Christmas carols!

Come bundled up with your family and friends and let's bring some Holiday Cheer to the community!

Bring a plate of cookies or baggies filled with goodies so we can pass them out as we sing :o)

EVERYONE IS WELCOME! Spread the word :o)


Thursday, November 15, 2012

Are your kids too materialistic? BLOG WITH 30 SECOND VIDEO

The problem with kids and parents who are materialistic most often don’t think they are. Materialism is when we are focused on things we can buy our earn to bring us happiness. We live in a society that pushes consumerism. We in many ways are defined by what we buy. Do you shop at Gap, Goodwill, or Hot Topic each of those store say something about you. Our need as adults to fit in drives who we are and what we do, unfortunately it can spill over into our kids.

What are the causes?

1. Parental example. – The first place you have to start when you feel that your kids are materialistic is by looking at yourself. Do you compare yourself to others. Are you driven by a need for acceptance by a certain group of people that dress a certain way, that drive a certain car. When you get home from work what do you talk about with your wife in front of the kids? Do your kids see you constantly buying things that you want rather than need?

2. Cultural influence - Marketers are not stupid they know that kids hold much of the purchasing power for the family. Parents cave to parents on everything from food, to clothes to toys. Marketers market directly to kids bypassing the parents because they can so they do. kids today make more decisions that I believe is good for them. If your kids watch an hour of TV 20 minutes of that hour culture is telling them what they must have to have a happy life.

3. Friends - This starts off a non-factor and grows into the greatest of the three. By the time your kids are in HIgh School the influence to be like everyone else to have what everyone has to compare yourself to others hits full force.

How do you help your kids avoid materialism?

1. Help them have a proper view of material things. – Begin teaching your kids at a young age that their responsibility as someone who trusts Christ fully is to use the resources they have to help those in need. People matter more than things. I remember growing up hearing a song my parents would listen to by BJ Thomas it said we need to “Love people and use things not the other way around”. It was true in the 70′s and it’s even more true today.

2. Train your kids to compare themselves to the right things. – The problem with materialism is who decides who is materialistic and who is not. I can point to a family because they drive a certain car or dress a certain way and at the same time another family is pointing at me calling me materialistic. I have heard a definition of materialism as being “Where your paycheck stops and theirs keeps going.” It’s more than just a paycheck thing, I believe its a worship thing. Materialism is minimizing my idols by comparing my idolatry with my neighbors. So what then do we stop comparing ourselves all together? Actually when we first compare ourselves to Christ we see the things in our lives we value more than him. In doing so we see what He has done for us. We see the price He paid to set us free from the trap of things and are able to help others because of what Jesus has done for us.

3. Teach them to treasure Christ. - This is the reason materialism exists. We treasure something more than Christ. Help your kids see the value of Jesus the same value that Jesus expressed in his parable in Matthew 13. The reason our kids find their security in things is because they have a sin problem which CS Lewis discribes as a miss-ordered love. When we treasure Christ he reorders every love in our life. Ask for wisdom from God in identifying those things in your kid’s lives that they trust more than Jesus. As the Holy Spirit brings those things to your attention in the life of your kids, confront them every chance you get. Help your kids see the beauty of Christ in doing so the power of things loses it’s luster and supreme value of Christ is magnified.

The problem of materialism comes in when we hear the gospel in church but preach another gospel at home. We need to continually trust God with everything we have. Our kids see us respond, they never stop learning from our example for better or worse. Lets demonstrate to our kids the power of God perfected in the weakness of man.

Check out this video of a boy receiving his first one and only Christmas present he ever received.. his enthusiasm brings me to tears---and he's just so excited to receive it and hasn't opened it yet.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Do your kids hate church?

Check out this article I found!

The kids at this church were asked to draw a picture of their favorite part of the service. It is obvious this child didn't like attending.

What causes kids to hate attending church?
  • Lessons that are not age-appropriate.
  • Sssshhhhhh!!! Sit still and be quite!!!
  • Long services.
  • Lessons that are not relevant to their life.
  • Teachers who do all the talking in class.
  • No one knows them personally.
  • Music that is too "babyish."
  • Music from 1950.
  • Leaders and parents whose lives during the week don't match their lives at church.
  • A church environment that feels like school aka "Sunday School." The last place they want to be on Sunday is where they have been all week.
  • Being stuck in a room that was decorated by adults for adults.

Do you agree with these?
Are there any you don't agree with?
What are some other factors that can cause kids to hate church?
What about you? Did you grow up in church or remember going to church when you were young? What did you like or not like about it?
For me, I remember it was ALL about having fun---going and doing as many events as they could pack in, and playing as many games as they could when we gathered together. We definitely had a fun time---but it's not the fun that got me where I am today--it was God's truth that I got through other avenues, but not my kids or youth ministry.
We, in the Greenhouse, want to make sure that the kids are in a SAFE AND FUN PLACE WHERE THEY DISCOVER GOD. Where they want to come back because they feel loved, built relationships, and love Jesus a little more than when they came.