Here are three things to consider...
1. Feed Them A Healthy Life Pace
Today’s family can’t “Go with the flow” any longer. If you go with the flow will probably drown or at the very least be gasping for air. From my own experience I did not do well in this area for many years but it’s never to late to provide a healthy and balanced pace for your family. A healthy life pace can be started by echoing the words of Jacob in Genesis chapter 33...move along slowly.
But Jacob said to him...go on ahead...while I move along slowly at the pace...of the children... Genesis 33:13-14 NIV
2. Feed Them Moments of Rest
As a general rule more yes leads to more stress and more no leads to more slow. I am overgeneralizing a bit but we have to admit that saying yes to more things is not going to provide your family with moments of rest unless, of course, you are saying yes to rest. Providing moments of pause for your family allows for recovery and refueling. God himself modeled this for us.
God looked at what he had done. All of it was very good...By the seventh day God had finished his work, and so he rested. Genesis 1:31 & 2:2 CEV
Schedule the word “Family Rest” on your calendar much like you would an appointment so you can make sure it’s a part of your family’s routine. Heck, even learn to say no sometimes, that couldn’t hurt.
3. Feed Them Uninterrupted Time Together
When family is on, turn everything else off. When you do this it cuts out life’s interruptions like the cell phone ringing, a Facebook update sound or text message. By multitasking during your family time it communicates lack of value to those you are with. As parents we all know how swiftly time passes. Our kids are born then the next day they are graduating. We must take advantage of the time we have with them. We are even reminded to do so in Ephesians 5:15-16 GW.
So then, be very careful how you live. Don't live like foolish people but like wise people. Make the most of your opportunities because these are evil days. Ephesians 5:15-16 GW
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