Tuesday, December 17, 2013


The Greenhouse is a safe and fun place for kids to discover God! Check out what your kiddos will be discovering in 2014! So exciting!!!  
2014 GH Series

January 4 weeks “Choosing God’s Way”

February 4 weeks (Valentine’s Day Feb 14) “True Love” (website)

March 5 weeks “God’s Love through Jesus”

April 4 weeks (Easter 20th) Easter “Jesus Loves You”

May 4 weeks (Mother’s Day 11th) (Memorial Day 26th) “Trust God”

June 5 weeks (Father’s Day 15th) “Crowns”

July 4 weeks (4th of July) “Best of the Bible”

August 5 weeks  “Best of the Bible”

September 4 weeks (Labor Day 1st) “God of the Underdogs”

October 4 weeks (Halloween 31st) ???

November 5 weeks (Veteran’s Day 11th) (Thanksgiving 27th) “Miracles of Jesus” (website)

December 4 weeks (Christmas Eve 24th) (Christmas Day 25th) (New Years Eve 31st) “Birth of Jesus” ‘Jesus is the Reason for the Season’ (website)











January: Choosing God’s Way

Memory Verse: Your word is a lamp to guide my feet
    and a light for my path. Psalm 119:105

Week 1: Love God Most of All: Adam and Eve Genesis 3 Develop an action plan that helps them obey God   TIL: ‘God wants me to obey Him out of love’ Memory Verse John 14:5

Week 2: Choose Good Friends: Jonathan 1 Sam. 16:14-18:16, 20, 23:15-18 How will they be a good and faithful friend  TIL: ‘God wants me to choose good friends who help me love God’ Memory Verse John 15:12

Week 3: Be Kind and Forgiving: David Spares Saul 1 Sam. 24, 26 Plan to do something nice for someone who has been unkind to them   TIL:‘God wants me to be kind and forgiving to everyone.’ Memory Verse Ephesians 4:32

Week 4: Stand for God: Elijah on Camel 1 Kings 18 How to stand for God even against peer pressure   TIL: ‘God wants me to stand for Him no matter what others do’ Memory Verse Deut. 31:6

February: True Love: (TIL is the title of each week) (website) what-is-love

Lesson 1 - Love is Patient

In this first lesson, children will discover that godly love means we can wait patiently until His blessings are revealed to us.

Lesson 2 - Love is Kind

In this lesson, children will discover how genuine love that comes from God means we will show kindness to all people, even our enemies.

Lesson 3 - Love is Forgiving

In this lesson, the children will learn how to choose love and forgiveness over getting even, through the Old Testament Bible story of Joseph.

Lesson 4 - Love is Everlasting

In this lesson, the children will learn that true love, the kind that comes from God will last forever, no matter what may come.

March: God’s Love Through Jesus 

Week 1: Bible Story God Gives Us Jesus—Matthew 1:18-25; 3; 4:23-25; Luke 1:11-60; 2: 1- 20
TIL: God’s love is shown in Jesus.  Bible Verse “This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.” –1 John 4:9

Week 2: Bible Story
Jesus Helps a Young Girl and a Sick Woman—Matthew 9:18-26; Mark 5:21-43; Luke 8:40-56  TIL: God’s love is kind and patient. Bible Verse “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.” –1 Corinthians 13:4

Week 3: Bible Story Jesus Cares for a Samaritan Woman  John 4:1-42 TIL: God’s love is for everyone. Bible Verse
“[Love] is not rude, it is not self-seeking” –1 Corinthians 13:5

Week 4: Bible Story Jesus Forgives Zacchaeus Luke 19:1-10 TIL: God’s love is forgiving. Bible Verse “[Love] is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.” –1 Corinthians 13:5-6

Week 5: Bible Story Jesus Lives Forever Mark 14:27—16:20; Luke 22:47—24:53; John 21:15-17 TIL: God’s love never fails. Bible Verse “[Love] always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.” –1 Corinthians 13:7-8

Jesus Loves You
April: “Jesus Loves You” (TIL is the title of each message)

1. Even when you’re left out…Jesus Loves You! Luke 17:11-19 Jesus heals 10 lepers

2. Even though you’re different… Jesus Loves You! John 4:1-30 Jesus reaches out to a Samaritan Woman

3. Even though you do wrong… Jesus Loves You! Luke 22:47- 24:12 Jesus dies and comes back to life

4. Even when you don’t understand… Jesus Loves You! John 13:1-17 Jesus Washes the disciples’ feet

May: Trust God (TIL is title of each message) 

Week 1: Bible Point: God is with us, so...trust God! Bible Story: The Israelites cross the Red Sea. (Exodus 14:1–15:21) Key Verse: "God answered, 'I will be with you.' " (Exodus 3:12)

Week 2: Bible Point: God gives us what we need, so...trust God! Bible Story: God provides manna and quail. (Exodus 16) Key Verse: "For your Father knows exactly what you need even before you ask him!" (Matthew 6:8)

Week 3: Bible Point: God gives us strength, so...trust God! Bible Story: Israel defeats the Amalekites.  (Exodus 17:8-16) Key Verse: "For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength." (Philippians 4:13)

Week 4: Bible Point: God guides us, so...trust God! Bible Story: God gives the Ten Commandments. (Exodus 20) Key Verse: "I will bless the Lord who guides me." (Psalm 16:7)

June: “Crowns” (TIL: I can get a –title of each message)

Memory Verse “Those who look to Him are radiant” psalm 34:5

1. Crown of Victory 1 Cor 9:25 Given to those who work hard for God, not themselves.

2. Crown of Life James 1:12 Given to those who trust God during difficult times of trial.

3. Crown of Rejoicing 1 Thess 2:19 Given to those who tell others about Jesus.

4. Crown of Glory 1 Peter 5:4 Given to those who are humble servant leaders.

5. Crown of Righteousness 2 Tim 4:8 Given to those who are actively preparing for Jesus’ return.

July and August: Best of the Bible (TIL about –then title of message)

Week 1: Noahs Ark

Week 2: Birth of Moses and Moses Parts Red Sea

Week 3: Sacrifice of Isaac

Week 4: Burning Bush

Week 5: Battle of Jericho

Week 6: David and Goliath

Week 7: Shad, Mesh, Abed

Week 8: Daniel and Lions Den

Week 9: Jonah and Whale

September: God of the Underdogs: God Of The Underdogs

1) What is an underdog?, 2) Gideon, 3) David, 4) Paul

TIL: God created me on purpose, for a purpose!

October: ???

John 6:1-15 banner image
November: Miracles of Jesus: (check website) (TIL:Jesus did great things and I can do!)

Week  1 - Water Into Wine In this lesson, children learn that the Lord cares about all of our needs, however seemingly insignificant, when He turns the ordinary into the exceptional for His glory.
Week  2 - The Great Catch Through this lesson children learn that we can accomplish so much more in life when we include God in everything we do. The Holy Spirit, prayer, and Bible reading empower both our physical and spiritual lives.
Week  3 - Jesus Heals a Paralytic Through this lesson, children learn that Jesus is more concerned with our spiritual condition than He is with our physical well being.
Week 4 - Jesus Feeds Five Thousand Through this lesson, children learn that Jesus is able and willing to supply both our physical and spiritual needs. We need to be careful not to waste the blessings the Lord provides and utilize these gifts to the best of our abilities.
Week 5 - Jesus Walks on Water Through this lesson, children will learn that there will be times in life when our faith is tested. Life will not always be easy, and we will need to let our faith in God help keep us afloat during the difficult times in our lives.


December: Birth of Christ ‘Jesus is the Reason for the Season’: (Website) (TIL: Jesus is the Reason for the Season!)  

Week 1 - Gabriel Visits Mary After completing this Christmas lesson, children will learn that God has great things in store for all of us as we live lives that are pleasing to Him.
Week 2 - Joseph's Dream This Christmas lesson will teach the children the importance of living a righteous life and how we must always allow God to lead us through the difficult times we will encounter.

Week  3 - Journey to Bethlehem This Christmas lesson will teach the children that although many things have changed throughout the ages one thing has not changed during all of this time. The good news that Jesus came into this world because God loves us.
Week 4 - Visit of the Magi This Christmas lesson teaches children that it is natural and expected to worship Jesus. Wise men and women throughout the ages have made Jesus their Lord and Savior.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

How We Know Santa Was Once a Children's Pastor

OK, lets be honest. Santa Claus has a little bit too much in common with a children’s pastor. Coincidence? I don’t think so. It seems clear he use to be a Children’s Pastor. Think about these similarities.
  • His office is hard to find.
  • He is fashion challenged.
  • He assumes any and all snacks he finds are his to eat.
  • He has no adult workers.
  • He is only seen on rare occasions.
  • No one seems to know who he reports to.
  • He laughs way too much.
  • He is nobody’s definition of a physical specimen.
  • He is always trying crazy stunts like climbing down a chimney.
  • No one seems to know what he does during the week.
  • He does an impossible job with no visible means of support.
  • Kids love him.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Make November a Month of Thanks

With November right around the corner, the holiday season is quickly approaching!  Here’s a fun idea to help your family remember the blessings that have come your way during the month we set aside to be thankful.

Beginning November 1st and going through Thanksgiving Day, have each member of your family write what he or she is thankful for on a piece of paper and place it in a special bowl or container.

 We use a bowl that was given to us as a gift that has the word ‘blessing’ written in different languages on it.  Don’t tell the others in your family what you have written down.  If you have younger children, mom or dad may have to help write down what the child is thankful for.  Even children as young as two and three year olds can participate in this activity.  On Thanksgiving Day, take out the pieces of paper you have collected during the month and read them aloud as you celebrate the day set aside for us to be thankful.

The things you write down don’t always have to be serious.  One year my son said he was thankful for his fish; other times he said he was thankful for his family members.  By the end of the month, you begin to think of things that you may not think of on a daily basis to be thankful for!  It is always fun to read what each person has written as you gather around on Thanksgiving Day.

We do this with just our immediate family, but you could also involve your extended family and use it as a way to celebrate when you get together for your big Thanksgiving meal.

This is just one of the small things my husband, sons and I do to celebrate Thanksgiving each year.  I’d love to hear how your family makes Thanksgiving special, too!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Addressing Sibling Conflict

When kids fight it's best to work with them separately because each child needs a specific plan for dealing with the other. Furthermore, trying to train them at the same time often results in resistance or even allowing kids to gang up on you, hindering the process.

Here are some other ideas for addressing sibling conflict that you might find helpful.

Parenting Rules for Addressing Sibling Conflict

1) Remain calm.
Don't add your emotion to the existing drama (Most important Rule)

2) Separate kids.
or they feed on each other's explanations.

3) Don't dialogue with a child who is emotionally overwhelmed.
It usually escalates the problem.

4) Require a break to help a child settle down.
Calm the heart before trying to teach it.

5) Empathize with the child's challenge.
(Yes, I understand, your sister can be annoying.)

6) Ask, "What did you do wrong?"
or "What did you do that contributed to the problem?"

7) Define the challenge more clearly.
"So, when your sister was being annoying, you didn't know how best to handle it so you hit her. Is that right?"

8) Validate the child's thinking and identify the mistake.
"I see you were upset and wanted to do something about it. But hitting her wasn't the best choice."

9) Explore other options with a coaching attitude.
"What better response might you try next time?" "You can do the right thing. I believe in you."

10) Affirm and release.
"Okay, let's try again, I think you can make a better choice next time."

Remember, offended kids generally have three choices: Ignore, Confront, or Get Help. Kids need skills that will help them with all three. You're the coach providing solutions not just rebukes.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

30 Things Your Family Can Do Together This Fall!

Serve together: Rake leaves, carve a few pumpkins or take some mums and place them on peoples door steps, take hot chocolate to the librarians, etc.

Carve Pumpkins

Dress up as a family with a theme for  Halloween

Go to a corn maze (this is my favorite:http://www.explorationacres.com/)

Go on a scavenger hunt

Have a bonfire and make smores

Camp out in the back yard and catch lightning bugs

Go putt putting

Go to the zoo

Go through old shoes and coats that don't fit anymore and donate them along with books and toys.

Bake something together

The whole month of October keep a jar where you write something you're thankful for on a piece of paper and put it in then open it on Thanksgiving to remind eachother of blessings.

Bob for apples

Make Caramel Apples

Go to a pumpkin patch and go on a hayride

Paint Pumpkins

Go on a picnic with a thermos of warm apple cider

Play in the rain

Tailgate with your family for a football game

Go to a highschool football game with your face painted and cheer on the team

Make a scarecrow together

Have a night where you don't use electricity and you use candles for lights and you sleep in the living room together while playing a game. (have a fire place? Roast marshmallows inside!)

Read fall books together (here are some ideas: http://www.sidetrackedsarah.com/2012/10/fall-reading-list-kids/)

Paint pictures outside of trees

Go to a farmers market

Visit a farm

Jump in a big pile of leaves

Visit a local festival

Buy disposable cameras and have everyone take a roll of photos, have them developed and give awards for best, funny, or unique photos

Make a craft for an elderly neighbor and deliver it with warm, fresh baked bread or a pie

WHY? To create memories together and celebrate being a family together!

What other ideas do you have?

Sunday, July 7, 2013

July in the Greenhouse and REV56

July Series: WE Serve

July 7: We Serve Our Neighbors.

A Samaritan man helped a hurt neighbor. Luke 10:25-37 Ask: Jesus tells us to be like the neighbor who shows love to others, even when it’s hard. How can we show love to everyone better-even those that it’s hard to get along with?


July 14: We Serve Our Neighbors.

Rebekah showed kindness to Abraham’s servant. Genesis 24:12-27

Ask: How can we go above and beyond to live for the other person’s good?


July 21: We Serve our Community.

Zacchaeus gave to his community. Luke 19:1-10

Ask: What’s something you have done that you know is wrong? How can you make it right?


July 28: We Serve our Community.

Gideon led God’s people in battle. Judges 6:1-16; 7:9-21

Ask: God is counting on us to make the world around us a better place and for us to do great things. What ways can you make the world better?


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

How Do You Add Value to Others?

And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease about the people. ~ Matthew 4:23

When people think about you, do they say to themselves, "My life is better because of that person"? Their response probably answers the question of whether you are adding value to them. To succeed personally, you must try to help others. That's why Zig Ziglar says, "You can get everything in life you want if you help enough other people get what they want." How do you do that? How can you turn your focus from yourself and start adding value to others? You can do it by:

1. Putting others first in your thinking.
2. Finding out what others need.
3. Meeting that need with excellence and generosity.

Around Freedom, we have 2 phrases that speak well to this "living for the other person's good" and "find a need and fill it, find a hurt and heal it."

What can you do to add value to someone you know?

(Pulled from John Maxwell's "A Leader's Heart" 365 Devotional Journal)

Thursday, June 6, 2013

10 Cultural Forces that are Dying and will Affect Children's Ministry

Here are 10 cultural forces that are dying.  Some of these are trying to stay alive, but their death is imminent.  These changes normally do not happen overnight, but over the course of several years.

And yes, they do affect your children's ministry because they are key indicators of cultural shifts.  These shifts affect the way we communicate with and reach out to kids and families.


Between 2002 and 2008, consumption of online news sources increased by one hundred percent, while broadcast network news has steadily declined.

Print magazines are on the edge of extinction.  Even the most popular magazines are down double digit percentage points.  That's because the content provided by magazines is now available to anyone with an Internet connection.


Digital cameras are being replaced by phone cameras.  I recently talked to a picture developer and she told me the vast majority of pictures being printed professionally are from phone cameras.


In the foreseeable future, all media will be digital.  Streaming will continue to replace DVD, Blue Ray, and CD.


Newspaper circulation is rapidly dropping as more and more people go online for news.

Newspaper ads generate 20 billion dollars a year compared to 70 billion ten years ago.  Google now pulls in more ad revenue than all US newspapers combined.  Newspapers will soon be a thing of the past.


Televisions as monitors are not going anywhere.  Large flat screens still continue to sell quickly.  But the methods of receiving programming on television monitors is changing.

Companies like Netflix and Hulu are all pointing broadcast networks toward a new business model—one that does not require scheduled programming.

People no longer have to adhere to a network's programming schedule to get the content they want.  With on demand streaming, scheduled programming is losing ground each passing year.


Cell phone usage has risen every year since they became available.  This has resulted in a large percentage of people dropping their land line altogether.

In 2012, the number of households with no land line was in the majority for the first time ever.   Many kids today have never used a phone that was not wireless.


At the height of their popularity in the 1950's, there were over 4,000 drive-in theaters in the U.S.  Today, only 366 remain.


While there are still plenty of print catalogs still in circulation - their numbers are dwindling just as quickly as online catalogs proliferate.

All of the largest retailers have made the move to online, and the vast majority of print catalogs still in existence cater to niche markets, and even those serve largely as conduits to orders placed online.


With movies available online, the days of the physical video store are numbered.  Blockbuster had over 3,000 stores 5 years ago.  Today less than 500 remain.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Some of my favorite Summer Activities with Kids

Hello Parents!
Summer vacation is here and I'm sure you're trying to think of some things you can do with the kiddos this summer. Well, here are some of my favorite things to do:

*Splash Parks: My favorites are Mulberry Fields in Zionsville and West Park in Carmel but here's a list of 20 in the Indianapolis area and they are all FREE! http://www.indywithkids.com/2011/07/water-spray-parks-free-in-indianapolis/

*Columbian Park Zoo: This is in Lafayette and FREE! A wonderful Zoo with splash area and a GREAT playground for kids of all ages and you can also catch a train ride! This is our favorite place to picnic as well! http://www.lafayette.in.gov/zoo/  (They also have Trop Cove which is a swimming pool with water slides but that's a small fee)

*Indianapolis Zoo: http://www.indyzoo.com/SitePages/home.aspx

*Children's Museum: http://www.childrensmuseum.org/

*Indiana Beach: http://indianabeach.com/ This is about an hour and 15 minutes away from Lebanon but let me tell you--the kids will take a great nap on the way home :)

*Putt Putt: http://www.precisionputtplus.com/ This is in Lafayette and a WONDERFUL outdoor course

          I really like this place in Noblesville where you can bowl and play putt putt! http://www.coopersstardustbowl.com/

*Paint Pottery: Pottery By You is such a fun place to go and pick an item to paint! SO FUN! http://www.pottery-by-you.com/

*Carmel Water Park: http://www.carmelclayparks.com/escape-mcc/facilities/the-waterpark#hours This is great with a lazy river and just a small fee!

*Frozen Yogurt: My favorite is Yo Joy which is a Christian environment with the freshest ingredients and fresh cookie dough-my fav! http://yojoyfrozenyogurt.com/

*Turkey Run State Park: http://www.turkeyrunstatepark.com/

*Go see a movie

*Great Times or Rascals Fun Zone: http://www.rascalsfunzone.com/# http://www.greatimesfunpark.com/

*And I would HIGHLY recommend Holiday World & Splashin' Safari in Santa Claus, Indiana and staying in a stationed rental rv or cabin at the neighbored Lake Rudolph Camping Resort!  http://www.holidayworld.com/  http://www.lakerudolph.com/ 

*Go to the park

*Fly a kite

*Go to the library--they have many activities for the kiddos!

*Go to Wal-mart and do a scavenger hunt!

*Make pizzas together for lunch

*Create an obstacle course for the kids, get some bubbles and sidewalk chalk, limit tv time and encourage reading or crafts

*Have a campout in the back yard or in the living room

*Participate in the 4th of July and 4H fair activities

*Serve somewhere as a family

*Create a home movie together

*Invite family and friends over for a cookout and ultimate kickball game

*Go fishing

*Take a walk on the canal downtown Indy, paddleboat and then visit the Star Wars exhibit at the Indiana State Museum

*Visit the Indiana Museum of Art

*Go to an Indianapolis Indians Game: http://www.milb.com/index.jsp?sid=t484

*Have a campfire and roast marshmallows and share stories

*Do a scavenger hunt

Those are just a few things to get you excited about summer vacation! Spend some time making memories with your kiddos... they will remember the time you took to invest in them and will have stories to tell their children and will continue the legacy you began.

Have fun this summer!
-Pastor Tiffany

What other ideas do you have?

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

6 Benefits of Serving in the Greenhouse

First of all, you’re joining a FAMILY.  You’re going to find you develop friendships with the people you serve with.  You’ll laugh together, share prayer requests, support each other, pray for each other and encourage each other.

You see, we weren’t meant to do the Christian life alone…and serving in Children's Ministry means you will be surrounded by friends who will walk with you on your journey.  You’re gaining a family.

You’re also getting ready to be a part of FUN.  Yep…that’s right.  Fun.  And lots of it.  No matter your age…there’s still a little kid inside you who wants to have fun.  And now that you’re a part of the Children's Ministry team…you can let that little kid out and have fun.  Laugh…smile…enjoy yourself.  Have a good time!

Another benefit of serving in Children's Ministry is FAITH.  You’re going to find your faith growing.  You see, serving is a key component of growing your faith.  So get ready to see your spiritual growth accelerate as you begin serving.

There’s something else you’re going to be part of by joining the team…and that’s a FOCUS.  We are focused on one thing – impacting our world with the love and message of Jesus Christ…everyone...everyday...everywhere.

This is WHY you will be serving.  This is why you will be holding babies in the nursery while worshipping with them, this is why you will be helping preschoolers get excited about hearing a message from the Bible in a creative way, this is why you will be greeting new kids and families, this is why you will be leading a small group of kids, this is why you will be running a computer presentation or sound board, this is why you will be high-fiving kids as they leave asking them the main point they learned, this is why you will be helping families check in, this is why you will be leading kids in worship, this is why you will be sharing a Bible story, this is why you will be helping keep the kids safe.

It’s so they can be impacted by the love and message of Jesus Christ…so they can discover the hope that's found in Him.  This is the focus of the team you are joining.  It’s a focus that’s worth giving your best to.

You’re also going to experience FULLNESS of joy.  There is a joy that comes from serving others.  It’s a deep, abiding joy that comes from knowing God is using your life to help other people.  You’re going to discover it truly is more joyful to give than to receive.  As you give yourself away...your joy will be full.

And finally…you are going to be a part of FRUIT.  The Bible tells us as Christians we are to bear fruit.  By fruit, it means helping other people come to Christ.  And boy did you pick a great place to bear fruit.

Did you know that 85% of people who come to Christ do so before the age of 18.  I believe the heart of a child is the most fertile soil in which to plant the Word of God.  Studies show children learn more in their early years than at any other time in life.

You’re going to see spiritual fruit. You’re going to see kids step across the line of faith and become lifelong followers of Christ.  You’re going to see kids immediately grab hold of what you share and begin to live it out.

And not only will you see the fruit now…but later as well as your ministry continues to bear fruit in their lives as they grow up.

So get ready to experience family…fun...your faith growing…a focus that matters…fullness of joy…and lots of fruit.

We're ready for you to jump in and try serving today.
Let's partner together to make a difference,
Pastor Tiffany

(Thank you Dale--you're an inspiration to me!)

Friday, April 26, 2013


Follow us on Facebook and check out our blog! www.thegreenhouseparents.blogspot.com

May Series: REAL.ationships

May 5: Neighbors are friendly.

Abraham, Sarah & Visitors: Genesis 18:1-14 & 21:1-3

Ask: How can we be a better friend today?

Activity: Go to the park or store and say hi to others.

May 12: Neighbors are giving.

The Widow at Zarephath: 1 Kings 17:7-16

Ask: How are we going to bless someone today?

Activity: Give a local hero a special treat with card.

May 19: Neighbors are forgiving.

Jesus & Zacchaeus: Luke 19:1-10

Ask: Who do we need to forgive today?

Activity: Pray for that person.

May 26: Neighbors are welcoming.

Peter & Cornelius: Acts 10:1-43

                Ask: How can we accept others today?

                Activity: Draw a picture or write a letter to someone who is different from you.