Tuesday, December 3, 2013

How We Know Santa Was Once a Children's Pastor

OK, lets be honest. Santa Claus has a little bit too much in common with a children’s pastor. Coincidence? I don’t think so. It seems clear he use to be a Children’s Pastor. Think about these similarities.
  • His office is hard to find.
  • He is fashion challenged.
  • He assumes any and all snacks he finds are his to eat.
  • He has no adult workers.
  • He is only seen on rare occasions.
  • No one seems to know who he reports to.
  • He laughs way too much.
  • He is nobody’s definition of a physical specimen.
  • He is always trying crazy stunts like climbing down a chimney.
  • No one seems to know what he does during the week.
  • He does an impossible job with no visible means of support.
  • Kids love him.

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