Monday, May 7, 2012

Bringing faith into the home

The Greenhouse is a place to grow and we do our best as leaders on Sundays to make the Greenhouse a safe and fun place for your kids to discover God. We only get a little bit of time with your kids each week--we wish we could have them more! Your kids rock!--but since we don't get to spend time with them every day, we want to do our best to come alongside you to bring faith into the home.

It can be a little awkward talking about God and how to live a life for Him so I wanted to give you some tips on things you can do during the week to be your kids' primary spiritual leaders!

*First thing, Ask your kids about what they learned and did in the Greenhouse. They should be able to give you our key bible point "TODAY I LEARNED..." Then have them re-tell you the story that was taught and how they can apply that this week at their school, activities, and at home.

*Read the Bible and pray with them at bed time and before meals. (Make sure you have a Bible that makes sense!)

*Put post-it notes around the house of one scripture a week and memorize it together as a family.

*Intentionally cut time out of the afterschool schedule to focus on eachother to make family time important... play a game together, watch a movie together, take a walk or bike ride together, cook together. Show your kids that family time is important. Some of you may have never had that growing up... but you can break the chains and change the cycle and give your kids better than you had.

*Do something to live for the other person’s good. You can do a service project together, raise money for a good cause together, take a meal to someone's home, or do something as a family that no one else will ever find out about. This is a good teaching opportunity to get your kids focused on others and teaching them to live counter culture (going against what the world says.. how's it's an ALL ABOUT ME culture.. and stepping out to live as Christ's example.) 

*Here's a good guideline to help you pray with your kids. P.R.A.Y.
P- Praise- Tell God how awesome He is. We all like to hear good things about ourselves and God likes to hear it too.
R-Release- Tell God what's going on.. the good, the bad, the ugly.. Talk to Him just like if it were your best friend you were talking to. Tell Him what you're struggling with, about your day, etc.
A-Ask- Tell God what you need help with, what you're struggling with, etc. and Ask Him to help you with it.
Y-YES!- Remember that God ALWAYS answers prayers--but He answers in His way--the correct way. He know's what's best for us. We may think we want one thing or want it to happen a certain way or at a specific time, but that's not how God works. But He will always answer our prayers with a YES OR NOT YET but we have to have faith and trust in Him that we'll believe no matter what that we'll learn something through our journey and be closer to Him.

*Worship music- Be consious of what you are listening to and what your kids are putting into their minds. Kids can learn words to songs quick, so let's make sure they are putting good stuff into their heads. K-LOVE 101.9 and AIR ONE 90.5 are great positive radio stations to have playing in the car or house.

*Devotional book-  There are a lot of great age appropriate devotion books out there for families. Contact me if you would like some suggestions of one that would fit your family.

*Positive Influence- People are influencers. We can be easily influenced as well as easily influence others. Who are you and who are your kids hanging out with? Are you and your kids around people that are on a similar journey with similar goals? Fill your life with people who encourage you to be a better person. Living a life for God is not going to be easy.. it's going to take some uncomfortable sacrifices.. what do you and your kids need to give up so you can make the most of this life God has given you?

*Get plugged in- What are you and your kids plugged into? Where does most of your time go? We make time for the things that are important for us and conveniently make excuses for those things we don't have at the top of your priorities.

*GROW- Grow to be the Godly example that your kids desperately need. CHILDREN ARE GREAT IMITATORS, SO GIVE THEM SOMETHING GREAT TO IMITATE. Whether you are new to this Christian journey or a veteran of many years or you're still trying to figure it out, I think it's safe to say that we all want to be good examples to our kids. Make it your goal as the parent to consistenly be trying to get more of God. The more of Him we put in, the more of Him we'll pour out.

I hope that this spurs on a few ideas to help you bring faith into your home during the week! If you would like more help or advice, please contact me, Pastor Tiffany, via email
I love and appreciate you as parents. Remember, God created you on purpose, for a purpose. We're in this together. We are partnering with you to make Jesus irresistable to kids!

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