Parenting as Parachuting: 10 Tips for Leading Your Kids
Being a parent is like jumping out of an airplane. You only get one chance to get it right. The thrill of beginning the journey is replaced by a hope that everything lands on target. Pam and I today are out of the plane, the rip cord has been pulled, and we are drifting slowly down to the target zone. We are not experts, but we are experienced.
Not long ago, I was asked to consider writing a parenting book. I laughed. They were serious. I laughed again. I told them no one should write a book on parenting until all their kids were out of the house and successfully launched into adulthood. In fact, the toughest part of parenting may be the time your kids leave the house until they are married or launched. We still have that part of the journey ahead of us.
Our kiddos are 13 and 11, so I have just started enjoying the world of teenager. Notice, I did not say I “dread” the teenage years. I believe we mostly get what we speak and expect, so I am speaking and expecting that Abram and Callie will be awesome teenagers.
Looking back on the toddler and elementary years, Pam and I made a lot of mistakes but got a few things right. Here are a few insights that I hope are helpful.
1. Be predictable when they are young. Most bad behaviors with little ones happen at 2 p.m. in a Wal-Mart or at 9 p.m. in a restaurant. That’s because they should be napping and sleeping at those times, not in aisle 3 or at a Red Robin.
2. Get control of bad manners as soon as they recognize the Queen’s English. It is a lot easier to wrestle their rebellion to the ground when they are in Onesies than when they are wanting to borrow your car. We demand Abram and Callie say “yes ma’am” and “no ma’am”, “please” and “thank you” with no exceptions. Old school, maybe, but I don’t like brats, especially in my house.
3. Both of our kids are taught to respond immediately to us when we call their names. When they are older, I suspect they will respond as quickly when God whispers to them.
4. Our kids are required to greet us when we come home. We also greet them when they come home. If they ignore my entrance, whatever TV show or game that is distracting them gets turned off.
5. We laugh a lot at our house. Make sure you enter their world, learn their jokes, and giggle with them, even if it’s over really silly stuff.
6. Learn their love language. Read Gary Chapman’s book, The Five Love Languages, to learn how your child primarily gives and receives love. It will change your relationship for the better, I promise.
7. Model a passionate lifestyle of following Jesus. Our kids are paying a lot more attention to what we do and say than we think. Passionate parents most often produce passionate children. Breaking News - You don’t have to have amazing family devotions every single night, either. Take a deep breath. Live it and they will catch it.
8. Go on dates with your daughters and adventures with your sons. One-on-one time is super important. They must know that they are individuals with immense importance to you.
9. Give them responsibilities that have rewards for being obedient and consequences for missing the mark. I have these same responsibilities as an adult. It’s called a job.
10. Slow down the pace and savor their innocence. I know your kid is probably going to write the next great concerto, but that insane schedule you have them on every week is not fun for you or them. Let them be kids with a lot of space to breathe and play. Let them have a Sabbath, too. The 10 commandments are for everyone.
What have you learned along the way?
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