Tuesday, May 7, 2013

6 Benefits of Serving in the Greenhouse

First of all, you’re joining a FAMILY.  You’re going to find you develop friendships with the people you serve with.  You’ll laugh together, share prayer requests, support each other, pray for each other and encourage each other.

You see, we weren’t meant to do the Christian life alone…and serving in Children's Ministry means you will be surrounded by friends who will walk with you on your journey.  You’re gaining a family.

You’re also getting ready to be a part of FUN.  Yep…that’s right.  Fun.  And lots of it.  No matter your age…there’s still a little kid inside you who wants to have fun.  And now that you’re a part of the Children's Ministry team…you can let that little kid out and have fun.  Laugh…smile…enjoy yourself.  Have a good time!

Another benefit of serving in Children's Ministry is FAITH.  You’re going to find your faith growing.  You see, serving is a key component of growing your faith.  So get ready to see your spiritual growth accelerate as you begin serving.

There’s something else you’re going to be part of by joining the team…and that’s a FOCUS.  We are focused on one thing – impacting our world with the love and message of Jesus Christ…everyone...everyday...everywhere.

This is WHY you will be serving.  This is why you will be holding babies in the nursery while worshipping with them, this is why you will be helping preschoolers get excited about hearing a message from the Bible in a creative way, this is why you will be greeting new kids and families, this is why you will be leading a small group of kids, this is why you will be running a computer presentation or sound board, this is why you will be high-fiving kids as they leave asking them the main point they learned, this is why you will be helping families check in, this is why you will be leading kids in worship, this is why you will be sharing a Bible story, this is why you will be helping keep the kids safe.

It’s so they can be impacted by the love and message of Jesus Christ…so they can discover the hope that's found in Him.  This is the focus of the team you are joining.  It’s a focus that’s worth giving your best to.

You’re also going to experience FULLNESS of joy.  There is a joy that comes from serving others.  It’s a deep, abiding joy that comes from knowing God is using your life to help other people.  You’re going to discover it truly is more joyful to give than to receive.  As you give yourself away...your joy will be full.

And finally…you are going to be a part of FRUIT.  The Bible tells us as Christians we are to bear fruit.  By fruit, it means helping other people come to Christ.  And boy did you pick a great place to bear fruit.

Did you know that 85% of people who come to Christ do so before the age of 18.  I believe the heart of a child is the most fertile soil in which to plant the Word of God.  Studies show children learn more in their early years than at any other time in life.

You’re going to see spiritual fruit. You’re going to see kids step across the line of faith and become lifelong followers of Christ.  You’re going to see kids immediately grab hold of what you share and begin to live it out.

And not only will you see the fruit now…but later as well as your ministry continues to bear fruit in their lives as they grow up.

So get ready to experience family…fun...your faith growing…a focus that matters…fullness of joy…and lots of fruit.

We're ready for you to jump in and try serving today.
Let's partner together to make a difference,
Pastor Tiffany

(Thank you Dale--you're an inspiration to me!)

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